Nebo Water Department



Ensuring all operations of the county municipal water system are maintained in accordance with all state and federal regulations and that all water line installations, repairs, and taps are installed in accordance with all state and federal regulations. Performing all water quality testing and monitoring all standards on a required schedule.


For information on the Nebo Water System, please visit the links below.


Click Here to pay your water bill online
The State of North Carolina requires each public water supply to publish an annual drinking water quality report. A notice is sent out on the water bills with a direct link to the CCR. Also, customers may call the office to obtain a copy.

For any questions regarding this report, please contact the Nebo Water Department at 828-652-6428.
To recieve up-to-date info on water advisories, service disruption, and breaks in the main distribution line please sign up for the Nixle Alert System by texting MCDWATER to 888-777 from your phone.

The Nebo Water System has been built in phases beginning with the extension of water to Nebo Elementary School in the 1990's.  In the last several years several miles of line have been installed in the community.  Please click on the link for a PDF map of the system:


Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Contact Info


After Hours Water Emergencies


Nebo Water Bldg.
3747 US 226 South
Marion, NC 28752